Electrical safety in your home
Ic Data
Apr 22, 2024

Many electrical jobs in the home must be approved by your Local Authority’s Building Control department unless they are carried out by a qualified tradesman who is registered with a Competent Person Scheme.

If electrical work in your home isn't carried out to a suitably high standard:

  • The electrical work might not be safe, possibly endangering your family and home
  • Your Local Authority's Building Control department may insist that you correct it
  • You may have difficulty selling your home if you don't have the correct electrical safety certificates.

What electrical work must be notified to Building Control?

Not all electrical work needs to be notified to your Local Authority’s Building Control. The table below lists the most common locations in the home and whether or not electrical works taking place within these locations require Building Regulations Part P notification.

If you are in doubt about what electrical work needs to be notified, contact your Local Authority's Building Control department.

How do I notify my electrical work?

The Government recognises two ways of notifying Part P electrical work.

  • Direct notification through Local Authority Building Control - the homeowner must contact Building Control directly. A Building Control Officer inspects the installation and issues a certificate.
  • Self-certification through a tradesman who is qualified and registered with a Part P competent persons scheme. These tradesmen are qualified to carry out electrical work in accordance with safety rules and issue you with a certificate of compliance on completion. They will also deal with Building Control on your behalf.

Electrical Competent Person Schemes

  • British Standards Institution (BSI)
  • National Association of Professional Inspectors and Testers (NAPIT)
  • National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC)
  • Stroma Certification Ltd (STROMA)